A problem-free molding compound with which hollow molds (negative molds) can be quickly and easily taken from an original model. Mix the powder with water and pour it onto the desired object. A few minutes later, the mold you have made yourself is ready. This hollow mold can be filled immediately, e.g. with relief casting compounds.
The copy of the original is ready.
Processing, mixing ratio : Place the desired impression model in a plastic container.
The molding compound is mixed in a ratio of 1:3 (1 part powder and 3 parts water) with water at about 23°C. Mix well for about 1 minute until a homogeneous compound is formed. The total processing time is 3 minutes after mixing. The object can be removed from the mold after 5 minutes.
Note : The processing and demolding time can be extended or shortened by lowering or increasing the water temperature.
Cold water results in a longer processing and setting time.
Warm water shortens the processing and setting time.
The mass is non-toxic and skin-friendly and therefore also suitable for children.
It is also suitable for molding body parts (e.g. child's hand)
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Manufacturer name: NaturGut
Manufacturer email:info@naturgut.de
Manufacturer country:Deutschland
Manufacturer state:Baden-Württemberg
Manufacturer city:St. Blasien
Manufacturer postalcode:79837
Manufacturer house no.#:22
Manufacturer street:Tuskulumweg
Manufacturer homepage: https://www.naturgut.de
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